Monday, March 24, 2014

Strawberries and Color Blocking

Good morning and happy start of the new week. Weekends really fly by, don't they? Hubby and I worked 8 hours in the yard on Saturday. We have 34 bags to be picked up by the street department this morning. Just about all of this came from the back yard. Several flower beds were cleaned out and re-mulched last week. And, now it is cold again....high 50's today. Well, that is cold for me...will be back to 71 by Friday. What I am really liking is that I can now see green coming in the grass and some of the trees getting green leaves. Yippee!

The CAS265 challenge today on Splitcoaststampers is color blocking and a twist of a putting a die cut or a punched shape on top of it. I used a long, narrow acrylic block to ink in pink and red. After inking, I sprayed a couple mists of water. I turned the acrylic block one direction, then a different direction to get the blocks. I stamped a few strawberry flowers on after blocking. The strawberry image is not punched or die cut. I stamped it and hand cut.

Also, I'll enter my card into the Curtain Call Challenge-Farm Fresh

Stamps-Taylored Expressions/Strawberry wreath set
Paper-PTI white cardstock
Ink-Memento Tuxedo Black and Angel Pink, SU Cherry Cobbler
Accessories- red and white gingham ribbon, Copics/R20, R35, R37, R39, G20, G21, G24, Y02


Dr Sonia S V said...

Brenda what a cheerful card....makes one smile just seeing it!!

Desire Fourie said...

This is just gorgeous with wonderful fresh spring colouring.
{Doing Life – my personal blog}

Pam~ said...

Prett, oh so pretty! I'm enjoying eating the fresh strawberries this time of year!

Wow, you and hubby worked your little fingers to the bone this weekend. It was gorgeous weather for it. We hit the tennis courts. Enjoy your day!

Cathy said...

Yeah, it is Monday and time for a new card! This is so bright and cheerful! Reminds me of picking strawberries as a kid! Almost that season! Yum!
Beautiful card Benzi!

Becky said...

What a fabulous card, wonderful colors. I just cleaned out my gardens but did not mulch yet, we are expecting a snow storm on Tues night, hope it passes us.

UTs Hobby Time said...

Pretty cheerful card. The bright colors are very attractive.

jimlynn said...

Fancy fussy cutting on that image and I DO love the way you did the blocked background! So pretty and fun.
We did the exact same thing in the yard a few days ago and them cold again here too! My body is still trying to recover from all the yard work so maybe it was good it got cooler again in order to rest up for the next round!

Carol L said...

I'm glad you found time to craft in between all that yard work! This is such a pretty card with a very unique and fun background! Guess what?! We're getting more of that white stuff tomorrow ROFL!! Spring has been put on hold once again :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful job with the coloring blocking. Now I'm craving strawberries. Good thing I'm heading out to the store this afternoon so I can pick some up. They won't be as good as fresh ones, but they will have to do. Have a great day.

MaryH said...

Oh my, I like this! (of course I would, new technique to try!). So very pretty - spring like in your card, even if the weather is still cool. Love that wreath atop, and like the way you added the stamped patterns in your blocks of ink too. Very pretty indeed. TFS & hugs

Darnell said...

This is a great color-blocked card, Brenda! Perfectly stamped background for your sweet fussy-cut strawberry wreath! Well done! Have a great week! Hugs, Darnell

Irish Cherokee said...

Strawberries! YYYUUUUMMMM! makes me want to take a bite out of the card. Special coloring on this card. YUM! The ribbon is the perfect touch. Now I'm hungry for strawberries.

Beebeebabs said...

Wow such a beautiful card thanks for sharing - rubbing it in - this morning it was 22 degrees lol

Anonymous said...

Wow that's alot of bags to carry to the street! It was beautiful hereover the weekend, and suppose to be 81 today. Your background is very cool and I love the fresh strawberries!!

Bonnie said...

These pretty strawberries look ripe and ready to eat! In fact this reminds me of strawberry shortcake and that makes my mouth water! Can't wait. They're saying we might see some snowflakes here tomorrow!

Diane said...

Wonderful colors Brenda, the strawberry wreath is wonderful. Don't work too hard in the yard.

Hugs Diane

Shirley said...

I hear you on the weather, Brenda!! Same about the lawn and flowers too! Never thought I would say I couldn't wait to mow the grass. LOL I love your card and how your BG turned out! Perfect for the great image and the ribbon is a great add too!

Donna Ellis said...

good morning, Benzi! Your water color spray technique on the acrylic block looks fabulous! I like the lines you were able to create with the length of the block! Looks fabulous. The sentiment and strawberries are cute! I cannot imagine setting all those leaves out! We live in an oak hammock and use our leaves as much to enrich the soil, but many of our neighbors set them out a little at a time for the trash pickup. Will all 34 bags be picked up at once? We are only allowed 2 bags at a time LOL Such is rural life. Hope you're enjoying a MAH-velous week! hugs, de

Davi said...

Holy Moly Brenda you did some major cleaning, lol here in the desert you could find that much vegetation to fill that many bags :) I love the watercolor look you did for the background look beautiful with the pretty strawberry wreath.

Maria said...

Wow! What an interesting technique with great effect! Love the colors and the pretty strawberry wreath! Sounds like lots of yard work and I'm sure you're glad it's done! We have snow here again...grrr. But, probably will get only an inch. Am looking forward to having green grass and seeing my tulips bloom!:-)

Lynne in NI said...

Gorgeous, I'm lovin your colour technique!
I'm sure you and hubby were ready for a sit down after that marathon gardening session, very satisfying though eh? I've my front garden sorted, just need the back garden to dry out from all the rain this past while :)

Tracey McNeely said...

I love the background that you created here, so lush. Thank you so much for sharing with us at the Curtain Call!

Sassy Raggedy said...

Beautiful Brenda...So bright and cheerful I love it. Hugs, joann

NanaConnie said...

What perfect fussy cutting, Benzi! Delightful technique on the sprayed color block background. Wonderful CAS design. :-D

Emily Keaton said...

YUM!! Your strawberries look absolutely delicious. What a great card, Benzi! Come on, spring!

Time to be creativ said...

Was für ein süßer Erdbeerkranz, Brenda. Wunderschön ist auch der Hintergrund gemacht.
Liebe Grüße, Anja

~amy~ said...

I love projects that include strawberries! This is cute!

Thanks for playing with us at Curtain Call!

Joanne (jojot) said...

a deeeeelish design...loving the strawberry wreath

nwilliams6 said...

Great layout and sweet image! Cute, cute, cute! Hugz!

Carol Hurlock said...

This is super gorgeous. I love that background-simply a beautiful backdrop for the strawberries. Yeah for the beautiful weather....especially after the cold winter huh!!!
Bear Hugs,

Colleen Dietrich said...

34 bags!! Wow. Bet the trash guys groaned when they saw all that.

This strawberry wreath is so cute!